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Who am I?

Hi, I'm Jackie, (she/her/hers) a software developer specializing in 3D graphics development, image science, and UI/UX Design

I have gained nearly two years of valuable experience in the software development industry, demonstrating a deep understanding of coding principles and possessing a strong set of professional skills. As a motivated, innovative, and proactive individual, I wholeheartedly dedicate myself to both my professional endeavors and personal growth.

Software Employment History

Technical Experience


What else?

I study CG graphics, openGL, and 3D art, and I posses a solid understanding of UX/UI visual design. To see some examples of some of my 3D work, check out the 3D Artwork page.

You can view my programming and website projects on my GitHub page.

What am I currently doing?

Studying 3D art and design, softwareware development, UI/UX and web development!
If you're hiring for software development, please feel free to reach out to me on LinkedIn

As an aside, you might see my old last name on some of these Github projects...